Pelvic floor physical therapy at Spine and Sports is focused on empowering you to take an active role in managing any pelvic floor dysfunction and improving your quality of life.

Conditions treated

  • Urinary and fecal incontinence
  • Sexual function
  • Low back, hip, and SI joint pain
  • Stability at the pelvis and spine

Assessment and Evaluation

Our assessment involves history taking to understand your symptoms, medical history, and pelvic floor function. Questions will be asked about bladder and bowel habits, sexual function, and pain levels to better understand your symptoms. A physical internal examination provides information about your muscle strength and coordination. Your physical therapist will provide information about the examination at your first visit. If you are uncomfortable with an internal assessment, an external examination is always available to you.

Muscle Strength and Coordination Training

Based on the assessment findings, together we will develop an individualized treatment plan such as exercises to strengthen weak pelvic floor muscles, stretch tight muscles, or techniques to improve muscle coordination and control.

Manual Therapy Techniques

We use hands-on techniques to release tight or dysfunctional muscles in the pelvic floor and surrounding areas to reduce pain and restore normal pelvic floor function.

Education and Behavioral Strategies

We teach relaxation techniques, breathing exercises, and strategies to alleviate pain and discomfort. Education is given about pelvic anatomy, proper posture and body mechanics, bladder and bowel habits, and lifestyle modifications that can help manage your symptoms and improve pelvic floor function.

Functional Training

Finally, we progress to functional exercises and activities focused on improving your ability to perform daily tasks. This involves incorporating pelvic floor exercises into functional movements such as squatting, lifting, and bending to promote optimal pelvic floor function during activities of daily living.