Chiropractic & Physical Therapy Care
in One Convenient Location

Easy to Use
Patient Mobile App
Every patient has easy access to personalized video exercises & stretches through our easy to use mobile app
At Spine & Sports, we have both chiropractors and physical therapists working side by side to get you out of pain and back to the activities that you love.
Most people hurt or are in pain because they do not move very well. Those movement limitations are often caused by scar tissue in muscles and tendons or from the lack of core or muscular strength. These dysfunctional movement patterns build up producing tightness, then pain. At Spine & Sports, we can address both of these issues at the same time. Some patients need adjustments to the joints, others benefit from soft tissue stretching of muscles and tendons. Many require physical therapy strengthening exercises to ensure discomfort doesn’t come back. The majority of our patients benefit the most from a combination of all three kinds of treatments. We can provide everything you need, all under one roof.