The Ulnar Nerve has eight entrapment sites starting at the neck and then moving down the arm. Irritation of this nerve will give problems in the pinky finger and ring finger.

What causes Tingling of the Pinky Finger?

Three main nerves give sensation to the skin of the arm and hand as well as control muscle contraction in the forearm, wrist, hands and fingers. If one of these nerves get irritated or entrapped anywhere between the spine and your fingers you may have numbness (hand falling asleep), weakness, tingling, burning, pain or tightness in the arm, hand, or fingers. There are eight entrapment sites of the ulnar nerve starting at the neck and then moving down into the arm. Irritation of the ulnar nerve will give problems in the pinky finger and ring finger.

What are Symptoms of Tingling of the Pinky Finger?

Burning, pain, tightness, numbness or tingling will be felt in the pinky and ring finger noticed especially with use of the elbow and with pressure on the inside of the elbow.

How do you treat Tingling of the Pinky Finger?

Tracing the pathway of the ulnar nerve will reveal the entrapment site which can be released with ART treatments and resolve the numbness and tingling.

Did you know?

Resting the elbow on a chair or out the car window frequently can lead to irritation or entrapment of the ulnar nerve.